Sublime: A world of Hummingbirds
July 23rd - September 3rd, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday July 27th, 2 pm to 4 pm
Beanetics Coffee Roasters
7028 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003
I am captivated by the fascinating presence of hummingbirds.
Their sublime beauty, vibrant colors, delicate forms, epic migrations
and beautiful movements amaze me.
I love watching them hover effortlessly in mid-air, rush between flowers and defend their territories rich of nectar sources.
I enjoy capturing photos of hummingbirds because they have so much personality.
In my view, they are messengers of hope, and love. Their presence encourages us to persevere through challenges with grace and determination.
I hope that through this photo exhibit, you will experience the same
sense of wonder for hummingbirds that has inspired me on my photographic journey.
See below for the Spanish version
Vea abajo para la versión en Español

Martina in wonderland. Spotted hummingbird. Cabaña cascada rio hollin, Ecuador

Mom in heaven. White-bellied Woodstar. Guango Lodge, Ecuador.

Eze's magic moment. Violet-headed hummingbird. WildSumaco Lodge, Napo, Ecuador

At the tail end of the season. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Green Spring Gardens, Virginia

Deb's love for hummingbirds. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Green Spring Gardens, Virginia

Michael's flower. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Green Spring Gardens, Virginia

Intensely focused. Gorgeted Woodstar. WildSumaco Lodge, Napo, Ecuador.

Watching for trouble. Golden-tailed Sapphire. WildSumaco Lodge, Napo, Ecuador.

Like a butterfly. Wire-crested Thorntail. WildSumaco Lodge, Napo Ecuador

Nectar seeker. Peruvian Racket-tail. La brisa, Baeza, Ecuador.
Sublime: Un mundo de Colibríes
Me cautiva la fascinante presencia de los colibríes, su belleza sublime, colores vibrantes y formas delicadas.
Me asombran sus migraciones y sus hermosos movimientos.
Me encanta verlos flotar sin esfuerzo en el aire, saltar entre las flores y defender sus territorios ricos en fuentes de néctar.
Disfruto capturar fotografías de colibríes porque ellos tienen mucha personalidad.
En mi opinión, son mensajeros de esperanza y amor. Su presencia nos anima perseverar con gracia y determinación a pesar de los desafíos.
Espero que, a través de esta exposición fotográfica, experimentes la misma sensación de curiosidad por los colibríes que me ha inspirado en mi viaje fotográfico.